Saturday, 8-25-18
For time:
200m Run
100 D/U
50 Deadlifts 115/85
25 Burpee Bar M/U (Burpee C2b/pull up)
50 Deadlifts
100 D/U
200m Run
*40 min cap*
For time:
200m Run
100 D/U
50 Deadlifts 115/85
25 Burpee Bar M/U (Burpee C2b/pull up)
50 Deadlifts
100 D/U
200m Run
*40 min cap*
Strength/Skill – Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2 25-20-15 Power snatch 95/65 Ring dips
10 RFT 250m Row 4 Man Makers 25/20 Strength: Back Squat 2X10 Empty Bar 7@60% 7@65% 3@70% 3@75% 3@77.5%
WOD: 6 rds for max reps 1 min row for cals 1 min burpee 1 min d/u 1 min rest Strength: Front Squat 3×5 60%, 65%, 70%
Strength: Deadlifts: Work up to a heavy 5 Cindy 20 Min AMRAP 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats
30 min to complete: 3 sets of 21’s 6 Plank Circles 3×10 Hammer Curls 3×10 front lateral raises (each arm) 4x 1 min Hollow Hold For time: 10-1 Thruster 95/65 Bar Facing Burpee *12 min Cap*
12 min EMOM 1- 2 TGU 53/35 2- 12 Weighted Hanging Knee Raises 3- 10 BB Roll Outs For time: 1200 m Run 40 S.D.H.P 115/85 30 Strict HSPU *16 min Cap*