Thursday, 1-12-17
9AM today!!!
Skill: Muscle Ups
30 Power Snatches
30 Power Clean and Jerks
EMOM2 50′ Bear Crawl.
9AM today!!!
Skill: Muscle Ups
30 Power Snatches
30 Power Clean and Jerks
EMOM2 50′ Bear Crawl.
3RDs 12 Reverse hypers 10 BB Deadlifts 8 KBS 4 Ring Rows Deadlift 10 @ 50% 10 @ 55% 8 @ 60% 8 @ 65% 6 @ 65% 15 min to complete “Nate” 20 min AMRAP 2 Ring M/U (4 Pull up & 4 Dips) 4 HSPU 2:1 8 KBS 70/53
Strength/Skill – Push Jerk 3 x 3 75%, 75%, & 80%. Concentrating on pushing under the bar, NOT JUMPING. Every 3 minutes for as long as possible complete: From 0:00-3:00 2 rounds of: 115/85-lb. deadlift, 8 reps 8 chest-to-deck push-ups From 3:00-6:00 2 rounds of: 115/85-lb. deadlift, 10 reps 10 chest-to-deck push-ups From 6:00-9:00 2…
Partner WOD 5 Rds each 25 DB Snatches 55/35 25 SDHP 75/55 25 Reverse Lunges 25 Push Ups 15/12 AAB Partner 1 does 25 snatches then partner 2 does 25 snatches….
REMINDER: NO PM CLASSES TODAY. Strength/Skill – Double Unders Practice. If you don’t have ’em find ’em. If you have ’em, find your new unbroken record. 100 is your goal. Clock starts @ :15 mins past the hour. WOD starts @ :30 mins past the hour. 3 rounds for total reps of: 1 min ME…
Set 1: 10 Bar Hops 20 Calorie Row 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Squats rest 1 min Set 2: 20 Cal Row 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Squats 10 Bar Hops rest 1 min Set 3: 30 Push Ups 40 Sit Ups 50 Squats 10 Bar Hops 20 Cal Row…
5 RFT: 15 DB Thruster 40/25 10 BMU 15 DB Deadlifts 40/25 10 DB Push Press 40/25 *20 min Cap* 6 min EMOM 4 Strict Press *Increase in weight*