Thursday, 11-17-11
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch
5 R.F.T.
5 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
15 Toes Through Rings
CrossFit Kryptonite
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch
5 R.F.T.
5 Hang Squat Snatch 95/65
10 Burpee Box Jumps 24/20
15 Toes Through Rings
CrossFit Kryptonite
Strength/Skill – 5 x 1 P.J. + 1 Split Jerk For Time 10,20,30 yd shuttle 21 Back squats Rest 1 MIN 10,20,30 yd shuttle 18 Thrusters Rest 1 MIN 10,20,30 yd shuttle 15 Overhead squats Barbell 95/65 One minute rest is so the shuttle can be completed A.F.A.P.
With a 15 minute clock, for total reps 5 minutes of thrusters 115/80 4 minutes of double unders (Sub single unders) 3 minutes of bar facing burpees 2 minutes of Bar Muscle Ups (Sub C2B/Pull-ups/Ring Rows) 1 minute of thrusters 115/80 Score is total reps Rest 2 minutes Then Touch and Go Squat Clean Party…
Strength: Find your max for the following complex: 1 Strict Press + 2 Push presses +1 Push jerk 14 min AMRAP 50 Wall Balls 20/14 25 T2B 50 Power Cleans 95/65
For Time: 300m Row 30 Burpees 30 Deadlifts 225/185 30 HSPU 200m Row 20 Burpees 20 Deadlifts 20 HSPU 100m Row 10 Burpees 10 Deadlifts 1o HSPU
Today’s hours 6,7 and 8AM. Closed tomorrow! Partner WOD 120 Cal Row 100 Pistols 80 Wall Balls 20/14 60 Hang Power Clean 95/65 40 M/U (40 C2b + 40 Dips) *Each partner must complete 1 rep of each movement*
Warm up: 2 RDs at easy pace 7 strict pull ups 7 BB Clean grip deadlifts 7 BB Front Squats 7 BB Power Clean Age Group Qualifier WOD #2 4 RFT- 25 C2B 5 Cleans 245/170 (Any style clean) *15 min Cap* 10 Min EMOM 3 Tempo Front Squats Tempo = 4 seconds down, 3…