Thursday, 6-29-17
Strength:Every 90sec – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch @70-80% X 5
Strength:Every 90sec – 2 Power Snatch + 1 Full snatch @70-80% X 5
15 min to complete 4×10 Double overhand Deadlifts Build to a moderate weight, NOT a 10 rep max 4 RFT: 10 Single Arm DB C&J 50/35 (5 each arm) 10 Single DB Goblet Sq. 50/35 20 DB Hops *10 min Cap*
Filthy 50 For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box 50 Jumping pull-ups 50 Kettlebell swings, 1 pood Walking Lunge, 50 steps 50 Knees to elbows 50 Push press, 45 pounds 50 Back extensions 50 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball 50 Burpees 50 Double unders Scale: Dirty 30
Strength/Skill: 8 sets @ 70% with a 1:30 rest in between Clean Deadlift + Clean Deadlift Pull + Hang Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean rest 10 sec.+ Squat Clean 12 Min AMRAP 50 D/U’s 10 Box Jumps 15 Sit Ups
Strength: E2MOM for 12Min 8 Power Snatch 95/65 (75/55) With a partner complete “Marston” 20 Min AMRAP 1 Partner Deadlift 405/285 10 T2B 15 Bar Facing Burpee Special Warfare Operator 1st Class William Blake Marston, 31, of Concord, New Hampshire, died Jan. 10, 2015, in DeLand, Florida, during military parachute training. Marston was assigned…
Bon Voyage Saturday night for Viv Anima Libera! Join us Saturday night 7PM @ Brewology. She will be moving to Hawaii!!! Reminder…we are open Sunday! Ryan McGhee | Age 21 Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with…
Strength/Skill – Hang Squat Snatch 3-3-3-3-3 21-15-9 O.H. Squats 95/65 Push-ups (Hand Release) KB Swings 53/35 The 9 foods the U.S. Government is Paying you to Eat article via The Atlantic In 2009, the federal government spent $12.3 billion in payments to America’s farmers. The number was cause for celebration, and not only among the…