Tuesday, 1-14-20
E2MOM x 6
10 Front Rack Lunges
increasing weight
15 Min AMRAP
10 Devil’s Presses 53/35
25 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
E2MOM x 6
10 Front Rack Lunges
increasing weight
15 Min AMRAP
10 Devil’s Presses 53/35
25 DB Front Rack Reverse Lunges
Strength – Push Jerk 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D. – For Time: Max unbroken reps, G2O (ground to overhead) 50% of body weight… then with in one minute: 10 R.F.T. – 3 H.S.P.U.’s / 6 negatives 6 S.D.H.P.- 75/55 9 SQUATS ….. then with in one minute…. Max unbroken reps, G2O (ground to overhead) 50% of body weight…
Day 4 of the Challenge. Hope everyone has a support partner. Remember prep work is key!!! Does anyone have a recipe they want to share? Bring it in, we can make copies for everyone. Strength/Skill – Push Press 12 Minute Ladder 2 Push-Press/Jerk – 115/75 2 Toes to Bar *Up by 2′s for 10 Minutes*
Closed Thanksgiving. Friday 8 and 9 am classes only. Christmas party Dec. 16th. Pot luck. Please sign up at the front desk. For time: 36-27-18-9 Wall Balls 20/14 12-9-6-3 Burpee box jump 24″/20″ *Rest 5 minutes then: 21-15-9 reps of: Push Jerk 155/105 HR Push up *Rest 5 minutes then: 40 Overhead Squats 75/55 20…
Our on-line catalog is ready. Click on /shoplongislandscreenprinting.com/collections/crossfit-kryptonite to start placing your orders. Teams of 3 2 RFT 250m Row (each) 100 Power Snatches 75/55 250m Row (each) 100 Box Jump Overs 24/20 250m Row (each) 100 Thrusters 95/65 *35 min Cap*
Partner Wod 3 rounds EACH of: Partner 1: 75 D/U’s Partner 2: Max Russian KB Swing 70/53 Switch Partner 1: 30/25 Calorie Row Partner 2: Weighted Sit Ups 35/25 Switch
Please bring in your own sweat towels. 7 min EMOM 2 Tempo Front Squats Tempo = 3 Seconds down, 5 seconds at bottom explode up, 2 second pause at top For time: 10 Sq.Cleans 155/105 10 Lat Burpee Over Bar 8 Sq. Cleans 185/125 8 Lat Burpee Over Bar 6 Sq. Cleans 205/ 145…