Tuesday, 1-22-13
There are no longer 6 PM Tuesday classes. CrossFit Kids are the house!!!!
Strength/Skill – Hang Clean Pull 80x3x2 85%x3x2 90x2x3
12 min AMRAP
135/95 RX
9 Deadlift
7 Hang Power Clean
5 Shoulder to Overhead
There are no longer 6 PM Tuesday classes. CrossFit Kids are the house!!!!
Strength/Skill – Hang Clean Pull 80x3x2 85%x3x2 90x2x3
12 min AMRAP
135/95 RX
9 Deadlift
7 Hang Power Clean
5 Shoulder to Overhead
Warm up: 3rds at easy pace 5 Push up 10 squats 7 Box Jumps 10 DB Push Press With a partner complete: 100 Man Makers 50/35 *While partner A is doing manmakers, partner B will be doing box jump overs 24″/20″* * EMOM partners switch* *Your scores will be time for completition and amount of…
Amazing Stunts…..watch the guy swim at the end. Strength/Skill – Snatch 21-15-9 Snatch 115/75 Burpees Double Unders
Don’t forget to pick up a copy of our CrossFit Catalog, and place your order. Reminder: Christmas party tonight @6pm..:) We will be closed Sunday the 17th. With a partner- 12 RFT: 12 DB Thruster 45/30 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 12 DB Front Sq. 45/30 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 12 DB…
Strength/Skill – Deadlifts 5-5-5-5-5 “Karen” For Time: 150 Wall Balls… For those who want more afterwards, start Karen with only 12 minutes to complete the the WOD Karen plus IMMEDIATELY continue with 90 D/U’s and 30 muscle-ups.. This is 2013 CrossFit Games WOD 13.3!!
Strength: 12 min EMOM Min 1: 1 strict Press Min 2: 3 Push Presses @ 90% of your strict Press 21-15-9 PUSH PRESS 115#/75# BURPEE BOX JUMPS 24″/20″
Strength: 8 min EMOM 5 Deadlifts @ 70% 30 Burpee Box Jumps (24″/20″) 30 Jumping Pull-Ups 30 Kettlebell Swings (53/35) 30 Walking Lunges 35/25 30 Weighted Sit Ups 35/25 30 DB/KB Snatches 35/25 30 Good Mornings 45/35 30 Wallballs (20/14)