Tuesday, 11-14-17
For time:
15-1 Hang Power Clean
*6 Burpees between sets*
*Weights start at 95/65 and incease each round by 10/5*
*30 min Cap*
Skill Work
For time:
15-1 Hang Power Clean
*6 Burpees between sets*
*Weights start at 95/65 and incease each round by 10/5*
*30 min Cap*
Skill Work
Strength: 21 Min EMOM 1- 3 Back Squats @ 70-80% 1RM 2 -18/12 Cal Row 3 – 15 T2B 10 Min EMOM 3 Push Press + 2 Push Jerk *start at 50% of push press and build* Extra Credit For time: 50 Box Jump Overs 30″/24″ *5 Min Cap*
Strength/Skill – 5 RM BACK SQUAT For time: 800m run 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 D.W. Walking Lunge D.B. Hang Power Clean D.B. Push Press 800m run AM Classes bring appropriate clothing it might be cold
5AM classes start today!!! Strength/Skill – 2 Front Squat + 1 Push Jerk x 5. 75 – 85% of your 1 RM. Look in your folders. 3 R.F.T. 30 Hang Cleans – 73/115 20 Burpees over the Bar 10 Box Jumps – 24/30 5 Muscle-ups
Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 5 Power Clean and Jerk 155/105 * UNBROKEN* **If you cannot do the RX weight scale to a weight for unbroken sets everytime* Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 3 Tempo Deadlifts tempo= X260 * Tempo pick the bar up at normal speed, 2 second…
We would like to present Yoga for athletes. We will be offering 2 free Vinyasa style classes. Tuesday the 19th @ 9:15am and Wednesday the 20th @ 7pm. There are several benefits of Yoga, some of which are : Loosen tight muscles Improve flexibility and mobility Improve muscular endurance and core strength. Improve stress and…
5 rounds for time: 5 H.S.P.U.’s or (Heavy dumbbell presses) 5 Thrusters (135#/95#) 5 T2B 5 Deadlifts (245#/175#) 5 Burpees 5 K.B. Swings (70#/53#) 5 Pull-ups