Tuesday, 9-18-18
3 RDs
10 Banded Squat
40′ Duck Walk
5 Broad Jumps
Back Squat
@60% 1RM
30 Overhead Squats (115/80)
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Toes to Bar
30 Calorie Row
3 RDs
10 Banded Squat
40′ Duck Walk
5 Broad Jumps
Back Squat
@60% 1RM
30 Overhead Squats (115/80)
30 Box Jump Overs
30 Toes to Bar
30 Calorie Row
Tommorow is rope climbs. Bring appropriate equIpment. SOCKS/SNEAKERS. No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 SATURDAY IS A TEAM WOD. 4 PEOPLE NEEDED PER TEAM. TRY TO GET A TEAM TOGETHER Strength/Skill-Clean & Jerk In teams of 2 6 rounds of: 200m Run 21 KBS (53/35) 12 Pull-ups…
12 min EMOM: Even Minutes: 3 Back Squats Odd Minutes: 1 Front Squat Barbell Loaded at 76% of 1RM Front Squat For Both Lifts 27 min EMOM Min 1 – 12 Burpees to plate 45/25 Min 2 – 10/8 AAB Cals Min 3 – 15 KBS 53/35
Tabata :20 on/:10 off Hollow Rocks Sit-Up MedBall Twists 3 RD for reps 1 Min Burpee to plate 1 Min Cal Row 1 Min OHS 95/65 1 Min HSPU 2:1 1 Min D/U 3:1 1 Min Rest
5 Min AMRAP 15 Wall Ball 20/14 5 Power Clean 135/95 3 Overhead Squats 135/95 Rest 3 Min 5 Min AMRAP 50 D/U 15 Cal Row Rest 3 Min 5 Min AMRAP 200m Run 6 Box Jump 30″/24″ 3 Ring M/U Rest 3 Min 5 Min AMRAP 10 KBS 70/53 10 weighted sit ups 35/25
Partner WOD With a partner complete: (only one athlete works at a time) AMRAP in 18 mins 10 HSPU (scale box or dumbbell PP) 20 Pull ups 30 Standing lunges (total) 40 Sit-ups 50 Mountain climbers (total) 40 Squats 30 O.H.Squats (45#/33#) 20 Burpees 10 Toes 2 bar
12 min to complete 3×8 DB Hammer Curl (superset by 20 banded curls) 3×15 banded tricep pull down 3 sets of 21’s (increasing weight) 3×10 french press (superset by 20 bench dips) 4 RFT 400m Run 30 Wall Balls 20/14 *18 min Cap*