Wednesday, 10-26-16
10 at 60%
8 at 65%
6 at 70%
6 at 75%
6 at 80% of 1 rep max
Thruster (95/65)
Burpee Box Jump (24/20)
10 at 60%
8 at 65%
6 at 70%
6 at 75%
6 at 80% of 1 rep max
Thruster (95/65)
Burpee Box Jump (24/20)
PLEASE NOTE – From Wednesday, July 27th – Monday August 1st – Hours of operation are as follows: Mon Wed Fri 6 AM & 7AM classes only. Tues & Thurs, 6am only. Afternoons will not have 3 or 4 PM classes. 5 and 6 PM classes only. Strength – Squats 5-5-5-5 21-15-9 KB Swing 53/35…
Good Friday hours: 8 and 9AM, 4 and 5PM. CLOSED EASTER SUNDAY!!! Strength: Death by Farmers Carry 12min CAP PARTNER WOD 50 Calorie Row 50 Burpees over Bar/ Partner Planks 50 Squat Cleans 75 Toes to Bar/ Partner does Med Ball Twists 50 Squat Cleans 50 Burpees over Bar/ Partner Planks 50 Calorie Row
Bon Voyage Saturday night for Viv Anima Libera! Join us Saturday night 7PM @ Brewology. She will be moving to Hawaii!!! Reminder…we are open Sunday! Ryan McGhee | Age 21 Corporal Ryan C. McGhee, 21, was killed in action on May 13, 2009 by small arms fire during combat in central Iraq. He served with…
0:00-10:00 10 Min to Establish a heavy single Sq. Clean 12:00- 22:00 AMRAP 5 Deadlift 275/185 10 Box Jump Over 20″/18″ (yes small) 35 D/U 22:00-32:00 10 Min to Establish a heavy single Sq. Clean
Strength/Skill -Deadlift 10 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 1 Legless rope climb 8 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 1 Legless rope climb 6 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 1 Legless rope climb 4 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 1 Legless rope climb 2 Deadlifts, 275#/185# 1 Legless rope climb The legless rope climb starts from a seated position on the floor.
3RDs 10 Squats :30 Squat Hold 10 KBS 5 Push Up Every 90 seconds (15 Min) 10-1 Back Squat Inceasing Weights every rd. 2RFT: 40 KBS 70/53 30 HR Push Up 20 Goblet Squat 70/53 *100m Pinch grip plate walk (2-25/15), after each rd, starting with it too* *18 min Cap*