Wednesday, 2-18-15
Front Squat: 5 X 3 all sets between 83-93%
Beep Test
EMOM as long as Possible
Between 5 and 7 reps(if you did 5 last time do 6, if you did 6 last time do 7)
Pull Ups
Front Squat: 5 X 3 all sets between 83-93%
Beep Test
EMOM as long as Possible
Between 5 and 7 reps(if you did 5 last time do 6, if you did 6 last time do 7)
Pull Ups
With a partner: 30 min AMRAP 30 Box Jump overs 24″/20″ 20 Wall Ball 20/14 10 Devil Press 50/35 *EMOM Rope Climb*
Warm up: 2 RDs at easy pace 5 K2E 5 Air Squats 5 BB OHS 10 Lunges 30 D/U 22 min AMRAP – 20/15 Cal Row 1 Rope Climb 3:1 20 T2B 1 Rope Climb 20 OHS 95/65 1 Rope Climb 20 Jumping Squats
No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 No 6 PM Class Friday, April 27 Partner WOD Saturday. Two on a team. Strength/Skill – Pistols Run 800m Then 10 rounds of the couplet: 10 H.S.P.U.’S 10 Pistols Then… Run 800m
Happy December!! W.O.D. 100 Thrusters, 135#/95# 5 Burpees, on the minute every minute
Strength EMOM for 5 Mins- 3 Power Snatches, Ascending in weight each set start @ 60% *Rest 2 Mins* EMOM for 5 Mins- 3 OHS, ascending weight starting @ 60 % If you do not have the mobility, you will be doing 5 min of stretching. 13:00 AMRAP 50 Double Unders 3:1 30 Seated Twists 15…
We now have a group on Facebook…CrossFit Kryptonite Box News. Please join, so you can always get the latest news. You can post on the page too. We will be watching the Open announcement Thursday at 8PM. During the 5 week Open, we will be offering a 7 PM ROMWOD class. Anyone can participate. Bring…