Wednesday, 5-16-18
Warm Up:
3rds at easy pace
10 Air Squats
30 d/u
1 min medball belly march 20/14
E2MOM for 14 min
10 Back Squats @50-60% 1RM
6 RFT:
16 t2b
4 Thruster 115/85
*22 min CAP*
Warm Up:
3rds at easy pace
10 Air Squats
30 d/u
1 min medball belly march 20/14
E2MOM for 14 min
10 Back Squats @50-60% 1RM
6 RFT:
16 t2b
4 Thruster 115/85
*22 min CAP*
Strength: Bench Press Find your 3rep max 2016 Granite Games Qualifier 15 minutes: 10 squat clean & jerks (135/85lbs) 15 burpees over bar 8 squat clean & jerks (185/115lbs) 15 burpees over bar 6 squat clean & jerks (225/145lbs) 15 burpees over bar 4 squat clean & jerks (275/175lbs) 15 burpees over bar 2…
W.O.D. – 3 R.F.T. 400m Run 15 Hang D.B. Squat Cleans 30 Double Unders The power of the mind, practice and the human body. The human body is a powerful machine, when you set your mind to using it. Imagine the confidence, control and practice those humans needed in order to perform such feats. When…
Deadlifts 5 X 10 @ 60% For Time: 4 rds- 10 Power Clean 135/95 10 HSPU 3 rds- 20 Wall ball 15 KBS 53/35 2rds- 7 Power Snatch 135/95 12 Box Jump 24″/20″ *Scale as needed*
Strength/Skill – 2 Snatch grip Push Presses + 1 O.H. Squat x 5 For time: 2-4-6-8-10 Snatch 135/95 lbs 200 m Run between sets
We are offering open gym hours 9 and 10AM on Sundays!!!! Push Jerk 60% (of split jerk) x 3, 65% x 3, 70% x 3, 3RM 30 Min EMOM- Min 1- 10 Pull Up( 7 if Strict) Min 2- 10 Push Up Min 3- 15 Squat Min 4- 10 Dip Min 5- 8 KB Hang Power Clean…
Warm up: 3rds at east pace 10 Light DB power clean 10 Light DB push Press 5 Pull Up 5 Dip 100m Run For time: 30-20-10 Power Clean 135/95 15-10-5 Ring MU (20 Pull Up + 20 Dip each rd) *600m Run after each rd* 25 min cap