Wednesday, December 15th 2010
Strength – Bench Press 5-5-5-5
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
12 Deadlift @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps 20″
Strength – Bench Press 5-5-5-5
3 Rounds For Time
Row 500m
12 Deadlift @ Bodyweight
21 Box Jumps 20″
Relay for Life is this Saturday, starts at noon. Please join us. 8 RFT- Run 200m 5 Front Squats 135/95 30 Double Unders Clean Pull 90% (of clean) x 3 x 2 95% x 3 x 2
7PM Classes start tonight. Warm up: 3RDs at easy pace 1 min wall sit hold 10 Jumping Squats 30 D/U E2MOM for 16 min 4 Back Squats @60-80% 1RM 13min AMRAP 30 KBS 53/35 15 HSPU 30 T2B 15 HSPU
Strength: Push press 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D.: On the minute for 15 minutes: 2 power cleans & 10 double unders
Christmas Party is Dec 16th. please sign up at the front desk. With a continuously running clock: For time: 21 Deadlifts 225/155 200′ Shuttle run(50′ out & back, x2) 15 Deadlifts 200′ Shuttle run 9 Deadlifts 200′ Shuttle run Rest 5 minutes & repeat, but: Change Deadlift to Thruster 95/65 Rest 5 minutes & repeat,…
The Cause Honor the 31. Support the 1000s. The 31Heroes Project exists to honor our fallen heroes killed in action August 6, 2011 through fitness and raise funds for programs that provide support to families of all fallen military heroes—past, present, and future. The WOD “31 Heroes” AMRAP 31 minutes (As Many Reps As Possible)…
Please take note of schedule change: Tuesday and Thursday morning classes are from 6AM to 7AM only. Starting March 15th. Thank you! W.O.D. – For time: 20-18-16-14-12 S.D.H.P. Box Jump 24/20