Saturday, 8-26-17

“Scooter” On a 35-minute clock with a partner: 30 Min AMRAP: 30 D/U 15 pull-ups 15 push-ups 100 meter sprint Then, 5 minutes to find a 1-rep-max partner deadlift. Yes both lift on the same bar at the same time. For the AMRAP, have one partner work while the other rests, switching after a full…

Friday, 8-25-17

Come join us Friday September 1st at Brewology @ 7:30pm. As some of you may already know, Janel is starting a new chapter in her life and will be leaving us 😭. Let’s celebrate her new endeavor!!! Strength: Back Squat 1×10 Empty Bar 1×10 @50% 1×10@ 60% 2×10@ 70% For time: 9-15-21-27 Sq. Cleans 95/65…

THURSDAY, 8-24-17

For Reps: 5 Min AMRAP 4 HSPU 8 KBS 53/35 12 GHD/ Weighted S/U 40/25…weight stays attached to collar bone. *Rest 2 Min* 5 Min AMRAP 4 KBS 8 GHD/Weighted S/U 12 HSPU *Rest 2 Min* 5Min AMRAP 4 GHD/Weighted S/U 8 HSPU 12 KBS *EACH AMRAP SCORED SEPARATE* SKILL WORK AFTER D/U, Pistols

Tuesday, 8-22-17

Bent Over Row 4×8 @ 60-70% 1 RM Clean (Hands should be facing away from body, Squeeze with your shoulders back while pulling to middle of sternum and belly button) Good Mornings 3×10 Single Leg BB RDL 3×5 Each Leg Pull up grip chin above bar hold 5x :30 For time – 2k row *As…