Friday, 1-30-15
Tabata D/U’s
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
Tabata D/U’s
20 Pull Ups
30 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups
50 Air Squats
Hi everyone, I am going to add a new page to our website. A testimonial page. If you could write how Crossfit Kryptonite or how the 6 week challenge has changed your health, body…. please email me. You can sign it or just leave your initials. Thanks Strength: 5X5 weighted Push Ups …
Gymnastics 8×4 Weighted Dips Increase weight each set. “Harper” 23 Min AMRAP 9 C2B 15 Power Clean 135/95 21 Squats 400m Run with a 45/35# plate….. NO DROPPING WEIGHTS!!
Our on-line catalog is ready. Click on / to start placing your orders. Every 2 min for 10 min 5 Strict Press Build to a Heavy 5 “Karen Meets Annie” for time: 30 Wall Ball 20/14 50 D/U 50 Abmat Sit-ups 30 Wall Ball 40 D/U 40 Abmat Sit-ups 30 Wall Ball 30 D/U…
2 RDs 200m Run 10 Ring Row 10 Slam Ball 3×12 DB Bench 3×12 Dip 3×12 Bicep Curl 3×10 RDL (each leg) 3RFT 50 Wall Ball 20/14 40 Cal Row 30 Burpee Box Jump Over 20″/18″ *20 min cap*
Christmas party December 17. Sign up at front desk. STRENGTH: POWER CLEANS 7X1 @ 80-85% 20 MINUTE AMRAP 20 KETTLE BELL SWINGS 53/35 15 REVERSE LUNGES 53/35 10 RING DIPS 200 M ROW
Strength/Skill – Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat – 70% (of Snatch)x4+2, 75%x3+2, 80%x3+2, 85%x3+1, 3+1RM 3 rounds for time of: 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (R arm, L leg) 24/16kg Demo 10 KB Snatch + OH Lunge (L arm, R leg) 24/16kg 200m Run 20 K.B.S.D.H.P 24/16 kg