Saturday, 4-4-15
2 Person Teams
100 Box Jumps
100 Pull Ups
100 Dips
100 Lunges (45/25)….. EMOM 2 Wall Climbs
Only one partner working at a time. Both stop to do Wall Climbs.
2 Person Teams
100 Box Jumps
100 Pull Ups
100 Dips
100 Lunges (45/25)….. EMOM 2 Wall Climbs
Only one partner working at a time. Both stop to do Wall Climbs.
BABY EVA 5RDS 400m run 30 KBS 70/53 30 Pull Ups Scale as needed.
Strength/Skill – Snatch from mid thigh; build to a max WOD 12-9-6-3 Thrusters 95/65 CTB chin ups
Strength; Deadlifts 10 at 65% 8 at 70% 6 at 75% 6 at 80% 4 at 85% of 1 rep max 3RFT 20 Burpee pull Ups 20 wall Balls 20/14 20 DB Walking Lunges 40/25 20m Crab Walk 20 Weighted Step Ups 40/25
Strength/Skill -15 minutes to establish a 1RM of the following complex: Hang snatch + Behind the neck push-press + Snatch balance Note: This is a complex. The barbell should not drop at any point. 30 T2B 30 Push Presses 115/85 20 T2B 20 Push Presses 115/95 10 T2B 10 Push Presses 115/95 Time to beat…
PARTNER WOD THURSDAY Memorial Day Murph Participants Strength/Skill – Snatch Grip Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1 4 .R.F.T. 40 Reverse Sit-ups with Ab Mat 20 Box Jumps 24/20 10 Snatch Grip Deadlifts 80-85% of 1RM
10 MIN AMRAP 5 C2B Pull Ups 10 Med Ball Push Ups 15 Med Ball Twists 20/14 3 Position Clean Build to a Heavy Complex High Hang, Knee, Floor Reverse Lunges 3 Sets of 10 Bar on the Back Rack Position Romanian Deadlifts 2 Sets of 20 Bar descends to mid-shin, but does not touch…