Thursday, 1-19-17
9am class today!!
4 X 400m run
2 min rest between Runs
5 Rounds:
15 Wallball 20/14
12 C2B Pull Ups
9 Floor Wipers
9am class today!!
4 X 400m run
2 min rest between Runs
5 Rounds:
15 Wallball 20/14
12 C2B Pull Ups
9 Floor Wipers
Brewology tonight at 8:30. Coach Matt’s BD….all are welcome!!! NO 8AM CLASS THIS SATURDAY!!! Strength: Deadlifts 6X6 @ 70-80% Tabata Time: T2B Push Ups Reverse Lunges KBS
Strength/Skill – Hang Clean – 5 x 2 Ten rounds for time: 3 Handstand push-ups 6 Pistols 12 Pull ups 24 Double unders
I need a head count for BBQ 12 min EMOM Min 1- 20 Sit Up Min 2- 15 Hollow Rock Min 3- 25 med ball twist 20/14 For time – 100 D/U 3:1 50 Lunges 25 Sq. Snatches 135/95 50 Lunges 100 D/U 3:1
Strength/Skill – Hang Power Clean – 5 x 3 TnG 2014 Regional Event 4 21-15-9-6-3 reps for time of: Strict handstand push-ups 195/125-lb. front squats Burpees
Strength: 18 Min EMOM Even: 6 Thrusters 135/95 + 6 Burpees over the BB Odd : 6 alt. KB Snatches + 6 T2B Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 12 minutes of: 15 Deadlifts 155/115 15 Deficit push-ups, hands on 25 pound plates 15 Box jumps, 24″ box
Deadlift-9 sets 1×3 @ 75% of 1 RM 3×3 @ 80% 3×3 @ 85% 3×3 @ 90% 3 RFT 30 Double KB hang Snatch 40/25 30 Double KB Front Sq. 40/25 *20 min Cap*