Thursday, 4-3-14
Strength/Skill -Hang Clean: 3-3-3-3-3
3 cycles – AMRAP – 3 minutes:
3 hang cleans (135/93)
6 front rack walking lunges (135/93)
15 mountain climbers
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Cycles pick up where previous cycle left off.
Strength/Skill -Hang Clean: 3-3-3-3-3
3 cycles – AMRAP – 3 minutes:
3 hang cleans (135/93)
6 front rack walking lunges (135/93)
15 mountain climbers
Rest 2 minutes between rounds.
Cycles pick up where previous cycle left off.
3 RFT: 10 Front Squats, 185/135 20 C2B Pull ups 50 Double unders Strength/Skill 10×35 unbroken Double unders for time
Skill – Handstand mechanics W.O.D. – For time: 21-15-9 Squat Cleans – 135/95 50 Double-Unders Handstand Push-ups 50 Double-Unders Inspirational video about injury. Injuries are part of being human. Some are preventable, some are not. They are less then fun, I’d even call them un-fun and sometimes even scary. After watching the above video some…
Sunday Funday @9:30am 4 person team…the last of our fundraiser WOD. Still time to bring something in….. Please sign up at front desk. WOD- 4 RFT 400m Run….yes 15 Burpee 12 C2B pull up 9 Hang Power Snatch 135/95 SKILL- Weakness for CROSSFIT OPEN in 22 days !!! …D/U’s Muscle ups HSPU… Anything you know…
Fancloth orders!!!! In Teams of 3 30 Min AMRAP 100 Pull-Ups 100 Overhead Squats 75/55 80 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 80 Thrusters 95/65 60 Toes to Bar 60 Front Squats 115/80 40 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24″/20″ 40 Sq. Clean Thruster 135/95
We will be celebrating our 7 year anniversary…COWFISH Saturday night @ 7PM. Strength: Bent Over Rows 5×5 Bulgarian Split Squats 4×6 each leg Death by.. 6 KB Snatch 45/30 6 Box Jump Over 24/20 6 Goblet Squats 45/30 RX 6 reps, RX- 5 reps
“To keep from decaying, to be a winner, the athlete must accept pain–not only accept it, but look for it, live with it, learn not to fear it.” — Dr. George Sheehan Strength/Skill – Weighted Pull-ups 3-3-3-3-3 WOD: Mark two parallel lines 30 feet apart. A sprint to the far line, tag the line, and…