Friday, 6-2-17
Strength: EMOM X8
12-Floor Presses
12-Windshield Wipers
3 RFT:
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Front Squats
10 Push Jerks
250m Row
Strength: EMOM X8
12-Floor Presses
12-Windshield Wipers
3 RFT:
10 Power Cleans (135/95)
10 Front Squats
10 Push Jerks
250m Row
No 10AM class this Saturday. OLY Class from 10-1. There is still time to register! New: Monday 10AM Class and Tuesday 9AM class. Strength/Skill: 8 min EMOM Power Clean 5@ 65% Deadlifts: 10@50% 10@60% 10@70% 8@75% 6@80% of 1RM 10 min AMRAP 30 Sit Ups 12 Burpees
BRING SOCKS!!!! Strength / Skill – Rope Climb Tabata “Bottom to Bottom” Squat Run 1 mile Clock starts for run on rising from last squat. The Tabata Bottom to Bottom Squat is a Tabata Squat but each rep begins at the bottom and ends at the bottom. The turn around at the top is…
10 min to complete 4×10 bent over BB row 4×12 Single Leg RDL (6 each leg, heavy if form is perfect) 4×12 Supine ring row 18 min AMRAP 7 Power Cleans 135/95 7 Lat burpee over bar 200m Run
Strength: 6 X 1 C&J at 80% 4RFT 10 Thrusters 95/65 20 KBS 53/35 30 D/U’s M/U practice
METCON 21-15-9 Deadlift – 315/205 Box Jumps – 24/20 21-15-9 Squat Clean – 135/95 Ring Dips
3 R.F.T. “Honey Badger” – Crossfit Kryptonites Official WOD 5 Muscle-ups 10 Pistols 15 Deadlifts 275/185 20 Burpees 25 KB Swings 53/35