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Wednesday, 3-25-20
Check your Email for Today’s WOD.
Thursday, November 25th 2010
“Helen” Three rounds for time: Run 400 meters 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing) 12 Pull-ups 100 yd. Team Sled Races Be ready to rumble tomorrow morning !!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, 11-7-19
10 min EMOM 3 High Hang Power Cleans Tabatas Wall Balls 20/14 KBS 53/35 K2E Reverse Lunges
Wednesday, 8-31-16
Strength: Every 90 sec for 5 sets Push Press 5@70% 5@75% 3@80% X3 12 min EMOM 1:1-4 Strict M/U’s or 10 Dips 2:10-15 Push Ups 3:20-25 weighted sit ups 35/25 10 min AMRAP 10 Burpees 20 KBS 70/53 30 Air Squats
Friday, 2-8-13
There will be no classes Saturday! Be safe!!! Strength/Skill – 10 Pull- ups Rest 30 Secs. 10 sec flexed arm hang x 5 (Pro/sup Grip) For time: 75 Handstand push-ups At the beginning of each minute perform 20 Double-unders.
Thursday, 2-16-12
The back of….Deb “Shredded Wheatie” Beattie!!! Paleo Kits and Paleo Crunch are availble. Go wheat free…..All jerky is grass fed beef, the best kind of meat one can put in their body!!!! Strength/Skill – Push Press Fabuolous “50” …Mariana’s 50th Birthday…and Happy Birthday to Fabulous Phil Archer!!! For time: 50 Box jump, 24 inch box…