Monday, 3-17-19
6 sets of:
2 High Hang Sq. Cleans (power pos) + 2 Mid Hang Sq. Cleans (above knee) + 2 Low Hang Sq. Cleans (below knee)
Every 4:00 for 24:00 complete:
75 D/U 2:1
12 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Hang Power Clean 135/95
6 Push Jerk 135/95
6 sets of:
2 High Hang Sq. Cleans (power pos) + 2 Mid Hang Sq. Cleans (above knee) + 2 Low Hang Sq. Cleans (below knee)
Every 4:00 for 24:00 complete:
75 D/U 2:1
12 Deadlifts 135/95
9 Hang Power Clean 135/95
6 Push Jerk 135/95
Strength/Skill – O.H. Squat 6 x 2 “Snake Bite” 21-15-9: Squat Snatches, 95/65 C2B Pull ups
9 min EMOM 3×5 Strict Press 3×3 Push Press 3×1 Split Jerk 15 min Amrap 20/15 Cal Row 1 Rope Climb 2:1 20 T2B 1 Rope Climb 20/15 AAB Cal 1 Rope Climb
From Wednesday July 11th-Monday July 16th there will be a 4 P.M. class. Strength/Skill – Bench Press 10 rounds, each for time of: 15 Push-ups Sprint 60 yards Rest 60 seconds Record total time from start to finish. The standard is a full one minute rest
25 min to complete: 4 x 10 Bench Press 4 x10 DB Flys 4 x 8 Neutral Grip DB Bench Press 4 x 20 Banded Tricep Pull Down 4 x 8 Skull Crushers 7 min AMRAP 10 Russian Swings 70/53 12 Alt. Pistols 10 Deadlifts 185/125
Strength/Skill: Weighted Dips 5X5 10 RFT 10 Wall Balls 20/14 10 Box Jumps 24/20 20 D/Us
JC’s Feb 17. Strength: DB Bench Press 6×8 25 RFT: 2 Sq. Snatch 135/95 4 Bar Facing Burpee *20 min CAP*