Monday, 9-17-18
12 Min EMOM
Min 1- 50 D/U
Min 2- 3-positioin Sq. Clean & 1 Split Jerk ( choose your weights)
50 Squats
40 Sit Up
30 DB Snatch 50/35
20 Push Up
*20min Cap*
12 Min EMOM
Min 1- 50 D/U
Min 2- 3-positioin Sq. Clean & 1 Split Jerk ( choose your weights)
50 Squats
40 Sit Up
30 DB Snatch 50/35
20 Push Up
*20min Cap*
Partner Row 2000m 22 min to Complete 4×10 Arnold Press 3x1min Hollow Body Hold 4×8 lat shoulder raises 4×20 DB Shrugs 4×10 front shoulder raises 3 RFT 400m Run 20 OHS 115/85 15 min Cap
For time: 15-1 Hang Power Clean *6 Burpees between sets* *Weights start at 95/65 and incease each round by 10/5* *30 min Cap* Skill Work
Christmas party will be Dec 16th. Save the date! We will be closed Thanksgiving! Friday hours are 8 and 9am. 6 RFT: 15 DB thrusters 50/35 50 D/U (2:1 Tempo Jumps) 3 Rope Climbs (3:1)
Partner WOD Saturday -“THE THREE HUNDRED” Strength/Skill -Daedlifts Tabata’s Deadlift Lifts 225/135 Push-ups Hang Power Cleans 95/65 There will be a Memorial Day “Paleo” BBQ on Saturday, May 26 for members and family following the WOD. Bring your favorite Paleo dish. Please sign-up so we can have a head count.
Snatch, from the mid hang 65%x2, 75%x2, 80%x3 3-6-9-12-15-18-21 Wall Ball 20/14 Pull Up Each Round begins with 200m Run *20 min Cap*
No 10 AM class today. OLY Class from 10-1 Begin at 0:00 15-12-9 of Squat Cleans 135/95 Push Jerk 135/95… At 20:00 3 rds of: 21 Wall Ball 20/14 18 Pull ups 15 KB Swings 53/35 12 HSPU