Saturday, 11-23-19
800m Run
40 Burpees to Target
60/45 Cal Row
30 Bar facing Burpees
40/30 AAB
20 Burpee Box Jumps
800m Run
40 Burpees to Target
60/45 Cal Row
30 Bar facing Burpees
40/30 AAB
20 Burpee Box Jumps
Deadlift 15-10-5-10-15 Goal is to be unbroken and TnG on each set. Weights should/could be around 70-75-80-80-75% Rest as needed between sets. For Time: 400m Run 25 Weighted sit ups 45/25 200m Run 25 Burpee Box Jump Over 24″/20″ 400m Run 25 Burpee Box Jump Over 200m Run 25 Weighted Sit Up 400m Run *Scale…
Today Muscle up Paleo will be joining us for a tasting of their paleo meals @ 4,5,& 6 PM classes Strength/Skill – 5×2 High Hang Power Clean 5 RFT 10 OHS 135/95# 50 Lateral Jumps over the bar 10 C2B Pull-ups Rest 1:00 after each round.
Strength: Weighted Push Ups 5X3 Partner Wod 40 Burpee Box Jump (20″) 30 Power Clean and jerks (155/105) 40 Cal Row 40 C2B Pull Ups 40 Cal Row 30 Power Clean and Jerks (155/105) 40 Burpee Box Jumps *Share reps as needed
Strength: Back Squat 4×4 @60% WOD: 500m Row rest 1 min 750m row rest 2 min 1000m row Strength: Push Press 5×5 @77.5%
Holiday hours – Friday 12/23/11-No PM Classes. Saturday 12/24/11 Christmas Eve – 8 am only. PARTNER WOD SATURDAY Strength/Skill – Box Squat 20 min. A.M.R.A.P. 7 Back Squats 185/135 10 Left Arm O.H. Walking Lunges 45/25 7 Burpees 10 Right Arm O.H. Walking Lunges 45/25 How do I increase my fat metabolism? Perhaps the most…
Partner WOD “DT meets Angie” 1 rd DT 155/105 100 Pull Ups 1 rd DT 155/105 100 Push Up 1 rd DT 155/105 100 Sit-up 1 rd DT 155/105 100 squats 1 rd DT 155/105 * Both partners do the rd of DT, split 100’s up however. One person works at a time throughout wod….