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Wednesday, 2-29-12
Strength/Skill – Bench Press For time: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Walk out/Walk out Push-ups 100-90-80-70-60-50-40-30-20-10 Double-unders
Monday, 12-23-19
8 and 9am tomorrow, closed Christmas Day! 15 Min: 5 Min for heavy Snatch Grip Deadlift 5 Min for heavy Snatch Grip High Pull 5 Min for heavy Snatch AMRAP in 20 minutes 5 Pull-Ups 7 Push-Ups 9 SDHP (95/65 lb) 12 Windshield Wipers
Tuesday, 3/15/11
First day of the CrossFit Games Open!!! Good luck to all!!! Strength – Weighted Push-ups 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – “Helen” 3 R.F.T. 400m run 21 K.B. Swings 53/35 12 Pull-ups Pull-up variations and scaling for rope climbing
Friday, 5-31-19
Please be advised, due to a septic problem, classes will be cancelled until further notice. Please spread the word to those who are not on FB.
Saturday, 1-4-13
One Bar – One weight – 95/65 21-15-9 Thrusters Hang Power Cleans Front Squats Double Unders Russian Swing 70/53
Thursday, 4-28-16
Strength: EMOM X 5 5 Strict Presses @ 72.5% of 1RM Avoid the standing bench press, meaning do not lean back. Brace, move your head back slightly, and press straight up. NO over arching. 10 rounds: 16 Box Jumps 12 Kettlebell swings (32/24kg) 9 Burpees to target