Saturday, 12-31-16
Regular hours today.
Closed Sunday.
8 and 9 am classes Monday!!
30 Min Ascending Ladder
1 Clean 155/115
1 Pull Up
200m Run/Row 250m
2 Cleans
2 Pull Ups
200m Run….
Increasing cleans and pull ups by 1, run stays the same
Regular hours today.
Closed Sunday.
8 and 9 am classes Monday!!
30 Min Ascending Ladder
1 Clean 155/115
1 Pull Up
200m Run/Row 250m
2 Cleans
2 Pull Ups
200m Run….
Increasing cleans and pull ups by 1, run stays the same
Strength/Skill – 10 R.F.T. 10 Thrusters 95/65 10 Ring Push-ups
Strength- 10 Min EMOM 3 Hang Power Cleans *Start at 50% of 1RM Power Clean and work up* U.S. Army Sergeant Dale G. Brehm, 23, of Turlock, California, assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment, based in Fort Lewis, Washington, died on March 18, 2006, when he came under small arms fire from enemy…
3 Rds each, then rest 30/24 Calorie Row 30 Push Ups rest 2 minutes 30/24 Calorie Row 30 Wall Balls rest 2 minutes 30/24 Calorie Row 50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Right Arm 50′ Overhead DB Walking Lunge – Left Arm
Bench Press 4×10 build up in weight.. follow each set of bench with a max set of Push Ups, go to failure with the push ups. 4 RFT 15 DB Push Press 50/35 12 DB Power Clean 9 Burpee over DB’s *24 min Cap*
Christmas Party is Dec 14th here at the gym. It will be $20.00 pp and BYOB. Please sign up at front desk. Strict Presses Min 0-4 Build to 5 RM Push Presses Min 5-9 Build to 5 RM Push Jerk Min 10-15 Build to 5 RM 10-8-6-4-2 MU/ Pull Ups and Dips 30-24-18-12-6…
8 and 9am classes today. Rope climbs tomorrow….shin protection!!! Partner WOD Buy-in: 300 Single Unders..Partner Planks …then… 20 Handstand Push-ups 40 Wall-Balls 20/14 50 Box Jumps 24/20 60 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 53/35 60 Weighted Sit-ups 45/30 50 Box Jumps 40 Wall-Ball 20 Handstand Push-ups …then… Sell-out: 2000m Row…partner planks