Wednesday, 12-19-12
Strength/Skill -Snatch Grip Push Press find your 1 RM
7 Pull-up/T2B Clusters (That’s a new one)
14 D.B. Hang Split Clean (Alternating Legs)
21 S.D.H.P. 95/65
1 Pull-up 1 T2B = 1 Cluster
D.B. Hang Split Clean – Demo
Strength/Skill -Snatch Grip Push Press find your 1 RM
7 Pull-up/T2B Clusters (That’s a new one)
14 D.B. Hang Split Clean (Alternating Legs)
21 S.D.H.P. 95/65
1 Pull-up 1 T2B = 1 Cluster
D.B. Hang Split Clean – Demo
120 Double-unders 600m Run 60 Sit-ups 90 Double-unders 400m Run 45 Sit-ups 60 Double-unders 200m Run 30 Sit-ups Skill: Snatch: work up in weight if form is good.
Beach WOD coming soon!!! 2X 600m run with 3 min rest between runs 2X 400m run with 2 min rest between runs 2X 200m run with 1 min rest between runs 15 min EMOM min1:10-15 Pull Ups Min 2: 10-15 Push Ups Min 3: 10-15 Burpees
STRENGTH/SKILL – 5X3 Low Hang Snatch (3″ off floor) – heaviest possible, rest 60 – 90 sec. Notes: These should be performed UB if possible, but it is not required. -then- For time: 30 Double-Unders 3 Power Cleans @ 155/105# 30 Wall Balls 20/14# 6 Power Cleans @ 155/105# 15 T2B 9 Power Cleans @…
Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 5 Power Clean and Jerk 155/105 * UNBROKEN* **If you cannot do the RX weight scale to a weight for unbroken sets everytime* Every 1:30 for 6 sets (9 min) – 3 Tempo Deadlifts tempo= X260 * Tempo pick the bar up at normal speed, 2 second…
Today… 8 and 9 am classes, regular pm classes. Strength: Snatch grip Push Press 8×3 Snatch 8×3 Build to a max 3 rep effort 7 Min AMRAP 10 Wall Balls 20/14 30 D/U’s
Strength/Skill – Double Unders 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Turkish Get-Ups 1 Rope Ascent (Scalability will be provided by Coach Mariana) BRING YOUR TUBE SOCKS