Wednesday, 12-4-19
Come get your BINGO card!!!
5 sets
3@ 72.5%
20/15 AAB
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges Rt Arm 60/45
20 Pull Ups
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges Left Arm
Come get your BINGO card!!!
5 sets
3@ 72.5%
20/15 AAB
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges Rt Arm 60/45
20 Pull Ups
50′ DB OH Walking Lunges Left Arm
Skill – Snatch WOD: 5 snatch (115#/75#) 5 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups 10 push ups 15 squats) 5 snatch 50 double unders (150 singles + 15 burpees) 5 snatch 50 squats
1 Round 50 Back Squat – 93/135 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 93/135 50 Front Squat – 63/95 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 63/95 50 Overhead Squat – 45/75 30 Shoulder to Overhead – 45/75 *Girls doing this WoD Rx’d will set up 5′s on the inside, then 10′s, then 15′s on the outside. Men…
Teams of 2: AMRAP 30: 200m Run and 500m Row (together) 40 Wall Balls 20/14
Strength/Skill – Close Grip Bench Press 5 x 3 5 R.F.T. 7 Deadlifts 275/185 30 Squats 7 Strict H.S.P.U.’s
Strength/Skill: 15 minutes on Power Snatch: 4X5 – work to a 5RM 3 rounds for time of: 20 Single KB OH Walking Lunges (left) 53/35 25 KB Swings 20 Single KB OH Walking Lunges (right) 25 Lateral Jumps (over KB)
Strength: 12 Min EMOM 3 OHS @ 60% 1 RM Tabata :20on / :10off x 8 KBS Air Squat Pull Up Sit Up