Wednesday, 8-15-18
15 min to complete
6×8 DB Bench Press
You choose weights
For time –
50 DB Deadlifts 50/35
25 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
40 DB Deadlifts
20 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
30 DB Deadlifts
15 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
*20min Cap*
15 min to complete
6×8 DB Bench Press
You choose weights
For time –
50 DB Deadlifts 50/35
25 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
40 DB Deadlifts
20 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
30 DB Deadlifts
15 HSPU 2:1
30/25 Cal Row
*20min Cap*
Every :30 for 5 min 4 Power Snatch 95/65 (TnG) 4 RFT 10 Devil Press 50/35 15 DB Power Clean 50/35 20/15 AAB Cals 25 Box Jump Overs 24/20 *27 min Cap*
EMOM for 6 min 5 Strict Press *start light and build. NOT to a heavy 5* “Incredible Hulk” 20 min AMRAP 5 Deadlifts 115/75 5 Hang Power Cleans 115/75 5 Front Squats 115/75 5 Push Press 115/75 5 Back Squat 115/75
Due to overwhelming response of Jolly 51, heat times have been changed to 7:30, 9, and 10:30 am. 12 min EMOM- Min 1 & 2: 3 Back Squats @ 65% Min 3 & 4: 3 Back Squats @ 75% Min 5 & 6: 2 Back Squats @ 80% Min 7 & 8: 1 Back…
Holiday Hours: 8AM Challenge, 9 and 10AM classes, 4,5,6pm classes, Challenge at 7PM. Strength: 5X5 Box Squats 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 Toes to Bar Wallballs (20/14) 50 Double-Unders after each round
Strength – Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 W.O.D. – 21-15-9 Box Jumps 24/20 Power Snatches -75/55 C2B Pull ups What is that stuff called CrossFit? How many times have you heard that question? I’ve been a CrossFit athlete for about four years now and there are two things that never pop into my head when this question…
Strength: Deadlifts 5X5 All 5 sets should be at your 5RM Teams of 3: (1 Athlete per station) EMOM 18: 25 Russian Kettlebell Swings (70/53#) 40 D/U’s Max Calorie Row* *Score = total calories as a team