Saturday, 6/4/11
Skill – L-Sits
5 Rounds for time
10- Pullups
15- Double Unders
10- Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15- Overhead Squats (95/65)
Laurie, Patricia, Vinny and Steve…we will get one of Krista!!!
Skill – L-Sits
5 Rounds for time
10- Pullups
15- Double Unders
10- Kettlebell Swings (53/35)
15- Overhead Squats (95/65)
Laurie, Patricia, Vinny and Steve…we will get one of Krista!!!
Strength/Skill – Snatch High Pulls 12min A.M.R.A.P. 5- Power Snatches 135/95 5- H.S.P.U.’S 20- Double Unders
Strength/Skill – Bench Press 5 x 5 0:00 – 50 S.D.H.P. 75/55 5:00 – 50 Burpees 10:00 – 30 Strict Pull-Ups 15:00 – 50 Wall Ball Shots 20:00 – 30 Box Jump Overs 25:00 – 800 Meter Run
Strength/Skill – Hang Snatch 5 x 2 AMRAP in 5 minutes: 20 Double unders 10 Weighted Sit-ups 25/15 Rest 1 minute AMRAP in 5 minutes: 5 Man makers 10 Box jumps Rest 1 minute AMRAP in 5 minutes: 5 Toes-2-bar 5 Walk-out/Walk-in Push-ups Total Score
Strength: 6 X 3 Cleans @ 70% of 1RM 15 Min AMRAP 15 Deadlifts 225/155 15 T2B 15 HSPU
Strength – Snatch/High Pull 3-3-3-3-3 W.O.D.- For Time: 25-20-15-10-5 Burpees Box Jumps T2B
Box Squats 15 min to work up to a heavy single 4 rds 20/15 AAB 20 T2B 200′ Farmers Carry 70/53 each Hand